I believe my internship search currently looks like this:
New Urban Learning (charter school management company) -- applied, interviewed, rejected
google internet policy fellowship -- applied, no word, long shot anyway
detroit economic growth corporation -- applied, follow up email sent, reply said they're working on it
city of detroit planning and development department -- applied, follow up email sent, reply said they're working on it
state of michigan -- applied, phone interview tomorrow (supposedly)
institute for Women's policy research -- applied, phone interview, told that i would be recommended and hear soon, waiting for final word
workforce intelligence network -- applied, they sent me an email saying they had grants to finish and they hadn't forgotten about me.
detroit parent network -- friend asked her friend if she was interested in interns, friend said yes, sent resume, no reply (yet)
looking at my email out box, that's apparently it. i thought there was more. i wish i had more firm things. :-(
but, on the other hand, i am a desirable intern!
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