Well, we finally have Willy's Bar & Grille decorated inside and out. I just love those icicle lights. Another thing teleporting comes in handy for is hanging up Christmas lights, let me tell you.
Willy thought he should climb the ladder and hang them as befits the male of the species (men have a strange logic at times... have you ever noticed that?) but I managed to convince him we'd lose a lot of time decorating when he fell off and broke his neck and I had to call 911 to get him to the hospital.
We've been trying to decide if we should go see his Mom in New Jersey for Christmas. We've been back and forth about it, but I believe we've decided we're going to stay here and perhaps host another dinner like we did for Thanksgiving. It turned out really well, and we seem to have a lot of friends who don't have family nearby. I'm all for the idea of choosing your own family. That may seem strange coming from me, vengeance-demony type that I am, but there you have it. We may go to visit her in January; for some reason Willy wants to see actual winter weather.
In other news,
that vampire everyone has been talking about actually came in the other night. I think he was only here to look for some of his buddies, because he came in, pulled them away from their shots with blood chasers and three of them left with him. He seemed to think quite a lot of himself, just from casual observation. You know, I can't stand arrogant vamps. You'd think they'd realize how easy to kill they are and stand down a bit.
Well, lunch rush seems to be over. Time for the fun job of refilling the salt and pepper shakers.