Title: Picture Perfect
Pairing: Referenced Neal/Kate. Character focus on Neal and Peter. El and Moz make an appearance.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 13,146
Spoilers: Season 1 finale. A brief mention of a single conversation in season 2
Warnings: General angst. Neal being Neal.
Summary: Neal gets over Kate, only for her to show up again. Peter wants him to
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I love how, in the middle of this last act, tomorrow becomes a theme. The first chapter is so grounded in the present, the second in history, and you have this final chapter balancing on tomorrow so beautifully delicately- and it’s Peter who breaks that by pulling a Neal. The moment he came back was brilliant. And then symbolism of the clock- chiming the hour, bring it closer to tomorrow, and then Kate wins Neal over- that was brilliant.
I love how Neal, too emotional to think clearly, has too logical an argument (unusual! And it works well) whereas it’s Peter who finally utilizes pathos, as he tends to do at critical moments. This role reversal work so well, and I love how you give it a fragile balance that snaps so suddenly.
I think, reading most White Collar stories, I personally go in with the assumption that there will be a happy ending, or at the very least Neal will do the right thing. You do a wonderful job of making me question that assumption at every turn. And that was a large part of what made this such a fun read.
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