Asking for suggestions…

Jun 01, 2011 07:20

It’s already June!!!! (I don’t know about the other place, but, in my place, it is :3)
It means…. It’s already Nino’s month!!!

Well, kirameki_mei  and I have an intention to celebrate this event by subbing a (or some?) Nino-related video(s) :3
But, we got REALLY confused in choosing the right video (--“)

That’s why, I need your help… ^^;

Do you have ANY video suggestion for us?

But, I  have little bit conditions:
- preferably the one with RAW source!
- there is/are something(s) fun or interesting (not only a promotion)
- the MAXIMAL duration about 30 minutes for a video.
- and of course, it MUST be a nino-related one!!

We’ll really appreciated any kind of suggestions. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~ (_ _)

NOTE: I won’t tell you about which one would I choose for our project. Just wait, and it would be surprises for you *grin*

EDIT:  well, kirameki_mei  and I will (definitely) need much time to do this project. So, we will open this suggestion until the end of this week (June 5th 2011)
We hope we would get some interesting videos from your suggestion *pray*

~This post already closed~

Thank you for your participation!! ^o^/
We’ve decided on something\
Hope you’ll looking forward to it *wink*

ninomiya kazunari, random

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