Hannah's Interview

May 09, 2005 15:36

1. Did you really say any of those things to Justin that he said you said? (Wow, that was confusing.)

I really wish I knew what things you were talking about...I’m confused. I’m sure if you specify, I’ll feel like an idiot because I’ll remember, but right now I have no clue...
2. How did you and Jesse got together?

Two summers ago (in 2003) Jesse came to counsel for Ryan’s week while I was working as an Omega. I had seen him 2 other times earlier that year (Stevie G.’s grad. Party and one weekend when he came to hang out and go tubing). I thought he was a total stud and way out of my league. As it turned out, they were short female counselors for that week, so I got pulled to be one. Jesse and I flirted a lot (and acted like middle-schoolers...pretty lame) but at the end of the week he didn’t ask for my number, so I didn’t think he was into me. I told myself it wasn’t a big deal and to move on. Yeah, that didn’t happen. 2 weeks later was Josh Mocherman’s week and Jesse was in the praise band. I decided that if Jesse didn’t ask for my number this week, I would have to make myself get over it. When we saw each other, he gave me a hug and the first thing he said was "Ok, I’m going to have to get your number this time around." We hung out a TON that week, had our first kiss (yes! :)), and towards the end of the week, one night we talked for like, 4 hours. During this talk the topic of "us" came up. When he said he would "definitely make the 4 ½ hour drive to Jacksonville" I knew that it wasn’t some summer fling. We’ve been dating ever since. (Long, I know, but all that background stuff was kind of necessary)
3. Can I come to the wedding?

Heck yes- and you can bring a date! :)
4. Which is better, Lake Wales or Sarasota?

Oooh...good question. I love Lake Wales because I can walk into Wal-Mart and see 15 people that I know. I dislike the town sometimes for that same reason- everyone knows everyone- so everyone knows everyone else’s business. Lake Wales is a great place to raise a family (although I didn’t think so growing up) but I would rather live in Sarasota I think. I love the beach, and even though it’s a rather large city, it’s not overwhelming like Orlando and Tampa. It still maintains that laid-back, relaxed environment.
5. What's your all time favorite band? Like if you could only listen to one for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I’m into a bunch of different bands right now, but one band that I’ve never gotten tired of has been Dave Matthews Band. I could listen to them (and probably will) for the rest of my life.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Fun game! :)
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