Misc. musings.

Feb 15, 2010 01:05

It's been an interesting year & a half since I last posted. How time flies. Valentine's Day today has not been romantic in the slightest, but it has been nice for the most part, though I'm missing two very special ladies, and many good friends.

I've been playing a lot of board games with friends, and finding my own community/ies around that & polyamory here in Louisville. I'm working another temp job that is sucking my soul slowly. I'm tired, and mostly posting tonight for it's own sake.

My uncle has moved in with us from Charleston SC, almost a year ago, after he got a job up here. They've just put their house down there up for sale and are hoping someone will snatch it up for the 1st-time homebuyer's credit. They're also looking for a home here in Louisville, but for now, he lives with Gram also, while his wife & son continue to live in Charleston.

Life is changing faster & faster as I get older, and I feel both less in control, and more limited in my options. I now have sadly concluded I'll never do actual research in astronomy/planetary sciences. I never have taken to my resolutions to be more creative or write more often, though I haven't yet given up on those. This very note is an attempt to break the lethargy I have about my own creativity. I have also resolved to run a mini-marathon in April. I've been doing ok mostly, but the heavy snows lately have put a damper on running for the past week, and time is growing short to get sufficient base in to complete 13.1 miles.

All in all, I suspect I'm just grumpy right now from being tired, cold, and falling blood sugar after eating yummy Samoa's-flavored ice cream about an hour or two ago.
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