Wow, an update!

Apr 11, 2005 21:35

I'm mostly doing this to keep the account active, for now. I still hope to learn to write more regularly. It would help a lot for days like today, so I could review my life more easily.

I signed up to be a research subject, so I had this psychology student interviewing me about all kinds of personal matters. Too much of it, I just couldn't remember. I tried to be as relaxed and honest as I could, and tried to avoid any suggested or imagined memories. There was more to it, but it's not worth going into right now.

School sucks. I mean, I love it, except when I goof off too much and fail classes, like now. I've got an incomplete from last semester turning into an F, and 2 classes this semester that are also giving me hell. I'm not so sure that I belong in math, honestly. But I need to stick to a chosen course and see it out.

Lots more has been happening. I've seen both the beginning and end of my first truly honest, open, secondary relationship (in the polyamory context). I've moved in with Valorie, and I got fired from the tutoring position and haven't found a job since then. I'll leave family stuff out of it. I'm also adjusting my policy of trying to post a quiz with each update. That became a commitment to take quizzes, esp. when most such offer no insight into who I truly am. I think I'll be a bit more choosy about my quizzes and other such quick assessments.

That said, I'm going to post one quiz I took several months back, and kept in a text file on my home computer. I don't even remember what it's about! Oh, and Val and I are playing in a weekly D&D game with some friends, and Val has started a long-term polyamorous relationship of her own. I'm happy for her.

Well, hopefully I'll post again in something less than half a year.


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