in case you didn't know:

May 28, 2009 15:31

the courts sadly upheld the validity of prop 8
but decided that the marriage of same sex couples who got married before it was passed are still valid,0,7752874.story

this situation is strange:

--its good that their marriages weren't dissolved, but now they're like a special class of citizens- the few lucky ca lgbt ppl who are legally married

--prop 8 was considered a ca constitutional amendment- which means that if the majority of people were to vote on repealing any 'minor right' that it would be valid [ie- banning free speech in ca would be constitutional under this ruling]

--this "amendment" goes against the FEDERAL constitution's Equal Protection Clause- which protects a minority groups rights & is supposed to prevent the majority of voting away their rights [hence the new federal lawsuit]

--the litigation language not only validated prop 8 because of the decision of amendment vs revision, but it also demeaned the dignitary right of the term marriage:
they stated that lgbt ppl had domestic partnerships with all of the same benefits as marriage [which is not completely true] so the argument over the label marriage is minor- which is endorsing SEPARATE BUT EQUAL
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