Oct 04, 2009 20:37
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. There was something closed about snowfall. The way the clouds blanketed the sky and without a wind, the air felt warm and thick. The snow just seemed to hang, more the sky seemed to drift down before your eyes. Under the city lights the world was a rose color, tinged in ambers and grays. I remembered to breathe out and it came in a lazy puff of steam. Cars moved with slow caution, like a child moving from patch of light to patch of light, afraid of the creatures in the darkness between. I clung to myself, the warm air was a lie and it really was cold enough to freeze water in the space of free fall. I couldn't remember why I was out, it was more like a banshee that was lulling me along to a frigid fate. At the bridge I watched the world trudge on through ether. As the snow pulled I followed, realizing that it had nothing to do with gravity. It was simply that the snow knew the ground was warm and would pull it in with a soft embrace after the cold fall.
misc. short stories,