Triggers and Warnings

Jun 25, 2009 12:32

So. I've been ill on and off for a couple of months now, mostly dragging my ass into work. But these past two weeks I've been off three days one week and one day this week, which makes me stressed because I'm temporary and could get told not to come back at any time.

I think work is starting to affect me a little as well- it can be fairly heavy and I can see why stints in that particular area are short. I've had that talk - does this job make me cynical or does it attract cynical people? Does it just make me worse? I've found myself becoming one of those people who comes home and sits in front of the TV sometimes. Because dammit, I do not want to talk about it.  Who want to inflict shit like that on their family by talking about it anyway? Luckily I am gifted that most days I can just forget about it when I walk out the door. But I think some days when I feel low or something...

So yeah, I agree with impertinence 100% when it comes to triggers. The last thing I need in life is to be reading/watching something and to read/watch dub/non con stuff.If that's what you want to write or read, fine, but I don't want it and I would appreciate a simple warning. It's not a huge ask, is it?  Less than a minute of typing vs. triggering someone or just plain ruining any enjoyment they were having. Go read this post (which is itself,  potentially triggering for abuse and sexual assault). Also, I'm not talking about warning for things like lemons or whatever, I'm talking about warnings for rape and sexual assault and any other abuse. Character death? I'm not sure on that one. Plus, violence and gore I think depends on the fandom: Supernatural, CSI etc is full of gore on the show. Maybe something like  Due South is different because of the content of the show.

I also agree when she says that its exceedingly worrying that pro-warning people are being dismissed as simply being young and naive. I am young, yes, but not that naive.  I'm also well aware that fandom doesn't owe me anything, fuck you very much. I've been in fandom since I was 14 (I'm now 24). I usually ignore wank, but there have been a few times when a lack of warning has really set me off.

In answer to the movie/book question I've seen around: there is this thing called google. People who want to avoid certain themes use this magical tool to read these things called reviews. There are also these things called blurbs on books which, wait for it, give hints as to what's inside! I know you're shocked. Also on a lot  UK DVD covers there are warnings for violence/non-con etc!  So the majority of the time I know what I'm in for. Sometimes I wait for friends/family to read/watch and if its ok I watch it. I trust them to give me the information to make that decision. The same way I do for a  mormon friend of mine and movies. She trusts me to warn her about any nudity or excessive swearing.

So..yeah. I'm ill and grouchy and all I want to do is look at glittery aliens from the planet fierce.


lcsbanana has an awesome post compiling some of the responses to this stuff, which is quite frankly, boo you whore material.
queenofhell made this post explaining why all of this is just so...just plain wrong.

This post is a pretty handy summary.

grouchiness, meta, adam lambert, warnings

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