(no subject)

Aug 03, 2007 22:23

Okay, there are 71 entries tagged bandslash on del.ici.ous now. Time for the actual rec post I think- mostly Gerard/Frank, Brendon/Spencer or Pete/Patrick.

unequivocal by

Been recced all over the place already but worth repeating. It follows the band right through the early days from Frank's viewpoint. (Gerard/Frank)

With Friends Like These by

Sometimes I get a craving for a sweet 'My best friend totally digs you!' fic. You know, where Ryan Ross tries to get Brendon and Spencer together and makes Spencer jealous by flirting with Brendon? This is that fic. (Brendon/Spencer)

The Making of Axe: The Horror of Man by

Game Developer AU! Will's an intern, Spencer doesn't do hugs, and Pete's no Frank Iero. (Will/Travis, Will/Adam, Brendon/Spencer)

Leaving you Alone With Me
3jane   and

I think this fic is amazing- Pete and Patrick get married in Canada. I just love this fic. Plus, Joe and Andy are awesome in it. (Pete/Patrick)

 I've got your number one bullet right here, baby by
supergrover24  and

This fic will kill you with the hot. Seriously. I could bang on about all the plotty stuff but seriously guys, hot porn. (Pete/Patrick)

Just close enough to touch by

There are many things I love about this story, one, that it contains my panic! otp and it's well written. Two, that it has a lovely slow build up to a relationship and three, that I love the Spencer in it so much I could just keymash all over the place. Go read right now. (Brendon/Spencer)

Watercooler Romance by

I have a weakness for AUs where something extraordinary happens in an ordinary way. In this case it's Gerard and Frank, getting along with life and finding love.  (Gerard/Frank)

Close Enough For True by

It's a SNOW WHITE AU. Spencer is Snow White! A bitchy, trendily shod Snow White whom Prince Brendon has to save with his horse Mr Frisky. Why are you not reading it yet? (p.s, I am waiting for skoosie's comingoutau!, for it is sure to be awesome) (Brendon/Spencer)

Home is a name

This story is the prequel to Wednesday Night boys, the famous panic! hooker AU. But I have to say I like it better- because I love Frank here, and all of them.  (Gerard/Frank, Mikey/Ray)

pretty much a sex god by

Another prequel I liked better than the story! It's the prequel to the wedding planner AU,  the story of how Jon and Spencer got together. It is SO CUTE YOU GUYS OMG THE LADYBUG SHIRT.

fall out boy, recs, p!atd, bandom, my chemical romance

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