Tonight at work was either hilarious or tragic, take your pick. My boss is at a regional meeting tomorrow and off friday to there was a billion things to do before she goes. Add to that we have new tenants arriving at the weekend and the Torcher Parade is on Saturday.
I got an email from a prospective tenant regarding her requests and it was so hilarious:
'no smoker, non-vegetarian. No mixed sex, no smokers, no pref on vegetarians'
OMG WTF? I laughed so hard.
I'm reading rendezvous with Rama at the moment and am really enjoying it, waiting for my new CJ. Cherryh books to arrive. I've ordered the next books in the Fortress series, the first ones were really satisfying.
Just...amazing. It's so much fun to watch Peter grow into something new and powerful. Oh, and Isaac! It is one of this show's strengths that I can hate a character one week and adore them the next; Isaac redeemed himself in an amazingly written scene with some excellent acting from Carbera.
And the previews for next week?
Oh, and I've started hanging around
delicious. I'm tagging quite a bit- mostly stuff I'm reading now like KKM (*facepalm*)