Baby Back...

May 16, 2007 23:21

Well the bf is finally back, like Andre said. Which makes Pauline really happie, even though my teeth still feel weird every time I gotta chew something and I can't open my mouth even to swallow a timbit. I'm also getting a cold, also not happie about that. I think I'll take some tylenol cold and see if that helps.

But anyhow, next wednesday I'm going to have my very first supervising shift all by myself, which means I'm going to get a key to the store and password to the security system. Great, more keys to carry and numbers to remember. Blahness. At least I get a raise with this. LOL.

Errrm, in other news, I miss a couple of people but contemplating why we have drifted apart would only make me sad, so I suppose I gotta make new ones, and hope that those stick.

Me gonna go sleepy sleep now, after my cold medicine...
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