And a comment posted in response to the article by "katymine":
"Hi Ian…. unfortunately I remember…. so does my 87 yr old mother… I know I have written about this before ….. My mother’s bunk mate (WWII) while in the Navy committed suicide because she could not handle being a single mother….
In 1970 I was a 19 yr old nursing student in Kansas City MO…. in my OB rotation I was assigned to sit with a 14 yr old white blond middle class girl who was being treated for the complications of an illegal abortion…. as I held her hand while the life drained from her….. she repeated over and over again….”I promise I won’t do it again”…..
Just a few blocks in Kansas City Ks if she was a resident, she could of legally obtained an abortion….
No, I didn’t forget….. never will I forget…"