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Jun 05, 2007 10:41

Well as my 34th birthday quickly approaches I’ve decided it’s about time I stopped moaning about all the bad things in my life and do something positive about them. The first step in all this is to sort out my weight once and for all.  There are a huge number of reasons for making this the first step but the main ones are

  • I’m sick of only having 3 shops I can buy clothes from.
  • I’d like kids at some point in the future and there is no way I’m conceiving at the size I am, and if I have trouble there is no Dr in his right mind that would refer me for any form of help.
  • I blame my weigh for everything that is bad in my life and it’s about time I stopped that and moved on.
  • I want to wear a killer party dress at the Christmas Party this year and not the same one I’ve worn 3 times before.

 There are other reasons too, but I think that’s enough for now.

So rather then just re-try all the things I’ve tried before and failed at I’m going to try something different.

I’ve signed myself up to a diet call Lighter Life, which means that from Sunday 17th June I won’t be eating normal food, for at least 14 weeks.  I’ll be having 4 meal replacement packs instead which equate to around 530 calories per day…EEEKKK!

I’ve been assured that after 3 to 4 days I’ll stop been hungry and will actually have more energy but I have my doubts, but I suppose people wouldn’t stick to it if it made them miserable now would they?!?

Food has always been a big part of my life so maybe this cutting it out strategy will actually let me think about other things whilst dropping at least a stone a month so it can’t all be bad.

So people wish me luck and I’ll keep you updated on my progress.
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