I hate 14th February...

Feb 14, 2007 12:04

Well I suppose it’s time for the annual I HATE F*CKING VALENTINES DAY posting.

I can understand why there was a massacre on this day in history.  I was probably someone fed up with all the smug couples exchanging stupid cards and over priced chocolates and flowers....

Do I sound bitter at all?

I’m strangely proud to admit that this is my 33rd year without a valentine, I’m sure this must be some sort of record.

I’m also fed up that all my friends and colleagues seem to be having babies at the moment, and I’m still single with no sign of a man let alone a baby on the horizon anytime soon. I never would have said I was maternal or broody, but I’m actually jealous of them all and feel like time is running out for me.

In other news I’m still working in Reading and living in a flat that I’m beginning to dislike. The dish washer broke recently, the shower seems to have been “Wedged” (yes you know who you are and what you have managed to do!) on level 3 and it makes a funny noise and the bathroom tap drips.

Looks like I’ve also won my case against Lloyds TSB, suing them to get back six years worth of bank charges back and its look very positive that I’ve won the case as the solicitors representing Lloyds didn’t file their documents and the banks defence has been struck out…Hurrah!

Makes you think will Lloyds still be able to get credit now they have a CCJ against them?

If you’ve like to know how to get your bank charges back too, check out the Consumer Action Group website….it’s full of hints, tips, helpful people and template letters.
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