Laptop computer problems ... again

Oct 28, 2009 06:53

My computer is a laptop. I've been noticing over the last couple of months that the space on my hard drive was decreasing very quickly ... too many downloads stored there over the last 4 years. So I started transfering all my files on usb keys (pens) and saving any new download directly on the pens too and "cleaned" the hard drive. But still that hard drive space keeps decreasing though I don't have anything left on it and don't store anymore on it.
So I asked the guy in charge of computers at the work and he said I probably don't have enough RAM left that's why everytime I use the laptop it keeps eating up the space on the hard drive cos of the lack of RAM (some 700mo).
Solutions I've been told about :
- adding RAM but as my hard drive has only some 2.8 Go space left there will problems again very soon and it might crash at any moment.
- uninstall and re-install the system. This should give a new youth to my hard drive so I ve been told.
I am no professional so I am going to the store where I bought it this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed for me that they can do something ....
I really can't afford a new computer at the moment ....
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