germany vs. italy

Jul 04, 2006 21:35

wow, my flist is not reading the way i thought it would at all. oh well, i guess i'll go against the trend and make a sad post.

of course i decide to throw my chips in with germany the match they go out. i've got the best timing ever, go meredith! just when i'm starting to fall in love with this team, urgh. odonkor is quite possibly my favorite ever and i'm going to have to find out more about him, since i don't even know his first name. but yes, oh yes. they showed him crying at the end and that was it for me, really. i'm done.

but yeah, i doubt i'll watch the final. but i'll cheer for either portugal or france to win it. hopefully france. not that i really care.

and to make matters worse, OH MY GOD, NO. NOT AGAIN. apparently if i ever decide i love a player, even in my own head, even if i don't voice it, chelsea will go after them. i can not fucking escape.