The War on Sex: "The group's new project, "Abstinence Africa," discourages condom use in African countries like Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho where, on average, one in three adults is infected with HIV."
I'm skipping the majority of the insanity that is this article to focus on this one point, since I think it's the real gem in it all. So, let's see, a bunch of rich, crazy white people are now going to go to Africa and try to take the condoms away? There are so many problems with this that I'm not even sure where to begin. First of all, I find it amusing that they'd rather have all the impoverished, uneducated people spread disease around than be called "condom-pushers." But then again, they're not the ones dying. And I'm sorry, but we are so past abstinence over there. You can go and try to teach it but it is not a part of their life. When soldiers are coming through and raping the women there, I'm sure saying, "Oh, excuse me but I'm saving myself for marriage!" really works!
This whole thing makes me sick. Bush is honestly the worst thing that's ever happened to this country, he just opened the door for all the right-wing nuts. I don't appreciate living in a "history-making" era much, thanks. Ergh.