now he lives inside someone he does not recognize.

May 12, 2006 14:40

Oh, Sheva. I don't even know what to say.

But in honor of (or maybe despite?) two of my three big OTPs breaking up over the summer, I bring you my brand spanking new OT3. Now, if you're Mina, you know how desperately I've been wanting to find my footie threesome. I've been searching high and low and trying to smush combinations of my OTPs together to form it, but it just hasn't been working. But as I was browsing WireImage, I came upon something.

From the Charlton match, I believe. Cris and Guiseppe Rossi. I made a little choked noise then continued on browsing, somehow ending up here:

Rossi and my lover Pique. Which lead my brain back here:

Look, full circle. Or triangle, whatever!

Finally, my dear footie threesome has found me. Such pretty, pretty boys. I may or may not be already writing fic. I guess you'll just have to wait and see. I'm hoping this will ease me out of my horror over Ruud leaving. I doubt it, but at least I'll have something to distract myself with.

In things not footie related, I got a B in my government class. Good enough for me. I just wanted to pass so that I didn't have to take it again, ick. Anyway, will catch up on comments and feedback tonight. Summer, oh joy!