You Are A Sometimes Ex
You're sometimes an ex, and sometimes you two are back together
And while your ex may seem like old news right now...
You've got to wonder why you keep getting sucked back in
What Type of Ex Are You? yeahh i guess?? ...
Your Dating Purity Score: 92%
You are an innocent dater.
You're either lacking in dating experience or have had a long serious relationship.
Either way, there's still plenty of fish in the sea out there for you to sample!
Dating Purity Test You Have a Sanguine Temperament
You are an optimistic person who is easily content.
You enjoy casual, light tasks - never wanting to delve too deep into anything.
A bit fickle, it's easy for you to change plans or paths when presented with something better.
You enjoy all of the great things life has to offer - food, friends, and fun.
A great talker, you can keep the conversation going for hours.
You are optimistic and sure of your success. If you fail, you don't worry about it too much.
At your worst, you are vain. You are obsessed with your own attractiveness.
A horrible flirt, you tend to jump into love affairs and relationship drama easily.
You're very jealous - which just magnifies the craziness around you.
What Temperment Are You? ...yeah watch out there now..
How You Life Your Life
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You are always tactful and diplomatic. You let people down gently.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.
How Do You Live Your Life? very true.
You are an Atheist
When it comes to religion, you're a non-believer (simple as that).
You prefer to think about what's known and proven.
You don't need religion to solve life's problems.
Instead, you tend to work things out with logic and philosophy.
What's Your Religious Philosophy?