Jan 12, 2006 00:23
First entry..hooray!
well, where to start? because everyone knows that i have an action-packed life! ...not.
*So most people know that me and pete are in a crummy situation right now. and if you dont, then ask me, i'll tell you.
i pretty much havent been happy about it..obviously.
*i've been going with Beck to Harwich Basketball games. and its been fun =) Helps me get my mind of a lot of stuff and i get to see some old friends. i also get to play with peoples heads..which is pretty kool too. Ive been getting really into the games. which i dunno if its good or bad concidering i have more school spirit for Harwich then i do my crummy Sturgis School..the cheerleaders gotta go though. they piss me off.alot.
*I finally got back into school in december. after being out for 2ish months because of my back. doctors want to do a 4th surgery. and you can imagine how psyched i am about hearing that. but before they do they wanna have me do accupuncture and biobehavioral junk and Yoga(which i do all the time anyways) and all that fun stuff.so far..no luck. and so as a result, i need to check out this Rehabilitation place in boston and see about doing this 30 program. blah.
but one things for sure, i got some good people helping me through all my crappy days =) Nicole, leish, Joshuaa, Dommy, Jus, Chex, Beck, Jo, and Erin..and Zacy, cant leave him out. i would say Connor too but he's being a jerk. and if he reads this, he should know why. *Connor you're a jerk!*
*I'm doing good at catching up on all my work for school. Docs and the Mother made my quit my job at the Raquette Club, its okay though because i was leaving soon anyways. As senior year started i quit the gas station and kept that job because working two and three jobs and going to school was making me physically ill. Mr Andre and the Kieser are being dumb and such, but whatev..i dont care. i wont let them get the best of me.
*IB testing is starting..ew. i did my oral commentary yesterday at 1:30. it wasnt BAD but it wasnt GOOD. i get all weird when its just me and Marbale` talking..and i was in a CHURCH! which didnt help and being tape recorded..ahh! he said i did well, i think i did crappy. Midterms are NEXT WEEK! shoot me in the face! i i.
well i must be off, i'll write the rest tomorrow. i have to be up at like 5:30 so i can be in Boston by 8 for my accupuncture appointment..gerrness.