PSA: comment thread unfolder for Firefox users!

Jul 15, 2005 18:05

Okay, this is the best thing ever! Passing this on from memorycharm:

If you use Firefox, you can install the Greasemonkey extension and then use this script to unfold comment threads -- ie, it adds an "Unfold" link to any comment thread (S1) that is collapsed and puts the comments right into context on the main comment page, so you don't have to click on 'thread' and then come back out and go to the next one, etc etc.

It totally works! This makes me so happy, and even more to hear that "flat" comment style is coming soon on lj. I really hate the threaded model of commenting for the same reasons koimistress talked about so eloquently in her post a while back on threaded comment styles. I pretty much ditto everything she says there, for that matter.

Anyway -- this little tool doesn't fix all those issues, of course, but it at least does make reading the threads a lot more pleasant. Yay!


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