So yeah, caught the Escapade Death Virus. Fun galore, especially with scarily huge piles of work looming up awaiting me. Catching up is going to be a serious bitch.
I was going to write a nice detailed con report, but then I stupidly closed Semagic last night and lost the whole draft, so instead here is this. Escapade was a blast, as always. I have a better time each year, probably because each time around I know more people, although I was sad not to see some other folks who had to miss it this year. I'm just glad the Death Virus didn't get me before I got home. Totally recharged the fannish batteries.
And hey, thanks to the Death Virus, I've spent most of today (pretty much the first day back that I managed to crawl out of bed for longer than fifteen minutes at a time) parked in front of the TV, catching up on all the fannish TV that I've been backlogged on.
And damn, that was a great twist at the end. Made me very, very happy. About ten minutes before I had been remarking to Charles about how it was difficult to build up suspense when your whole audience knows the story already even if your characters don't, and then kaboom. It retrospect, I think the whole "rule them" thing actually comes naturally out of the more recent canon on Krypton from the comics, but I still wasn't expecting it at all -- I was waiting for more of the same schmaltzy stuff from the first message.
What a great opening. In terms of parallels, now it's no longer about Lex trying to escape his destiny and Clark trying to fulfill his -- they're *both* fighting against their respective destinies, what their (biological) fathers want for/from them.
God, I just feel fic itching to come out. Must... finish... game... first...! Argh.