Vividcon: One Hour Vid

Jul 18, 2016 06:28

So this year at Vividcon
killabeez and I will be running a One Hour Vid panel! We're going to literally be making a vid AT the con, DURING the panel, with everyone who shows up!

To make this work (as well as it's ever going to! haha) we need to have all the source prepped in advance, SO:

* IF YOU ARE LIKELY COMING TO THE PANEL * please let us know what source you would like!

It is going to be a multifandom "garbage can" dance vid, and we're thinking the general theme of people being completely fed up.

Also, we have a song lined up, but if you've got a great garbage can song, do also feel free to share that with us and we may switch or even let people choose at the con, since the whole idea here is to kind of shut off the internal editor and bang it together really fast, as well as provide a demonstration for people who want to see vidding live either to learn or to compare techniques!

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

vidding, vividcon

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