Sad news

Nov 06, 2015 08:30

You may have seen this elsewhere, but Taselby, whom many of you may remember from Highlander fandom and from vidding and Escapade, has just lost her sixteen year old daughter Parker to a pulmonary embolism. God, I can't even imagine what she's going through. To make matters worse, they racked up huge medical bills because Parker was hospitalized twice this year trying to figure the problem out, and now they don't even have enough for funeral expenses.

The gofundme fundraiser is here. Please signal boost if you can. I am so sad for them--Tiff worked so damn hard to get her degree and a stable teaching job, finally got tenure recently after years of struggling, and she is one of those people who, you walk into a room with her, she makes it brighter. I remember meeting her at Escapade one of the first years I went, still a fandom newbie and before I had even started vidding, and her kindness and warmth. I don't even have words. It's so fucking unfair and horrible.

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