...okay so maybe that wasn't the greatest idea I have ever had. But I committed and then it was TOO LATE.
Astolat Vids Voila, a series of 31 of my vids in roughly chronological order, with some margin of error because I can't remember what year it is right now half the time much less what year I premiered a vid in. It's also missing a tiny handful of old vids because I haven't put them on youtube yet.
*falls over*
It's really wild to see even just in my own work how rapidly vidding aesthetics and video quality has changed. Ugh, I still remember trying to make vids in the bad old days with the whatsit Dazzle thingy that imported from a VCR: you had to plug in the VCR and actually play the video tape on an attached little TV to see where it was, and hope you got a usable clip and it was just nightmarish. It's amazing there are as many clips as there even are in some of those early vids :P but they feel SO SLOW now. I keep mentally going and... CUT! Cut now? How about now?
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