who's counting, really

Sep 13, 2014 19:55

hahaha well that posting every day thing worked out great in conjunction with DragonCon + back to school, or maybe not so much. ANYWAY here, I will play some catch up.

Here from DragonCon are some Temeraire aviator cosplayers!!! AND a TEMERAIRE cosplay!!!!!!!! (yes, someone actually cosplayed as the dragon!) :D :D :D

Also I seem to have started a new book at DragonCon, because that is what cons are for! 10,000 words so far of a search-and-rescue team parachuting into elfland. (NO REALLY TRUST ME)

And also I am poking back into the month-of-posting meme prompts that I got way back in December -- I got some pairing prompts but fic did not come, so here are a few why-I-love-these-pairing rambles instead:

Jan 4: cathedral_junki: Harold/John

So, possibly news to someone who has just started reading anything I write, I love me some genius supervillains! But I don't the way that they usually get written -- I don't like them maniacal and doing evil for its own sake; I like them having purpose and reason and actually seeking the greater good even if in a misguided way, which I'd like to believe that any real genius would have the sense to do. So Harold is a dream for me -- he's my Lex Luthor, but he's canon.

I fell in love with John because of the way he falls in love with Harold -- not even slashy love, I mean the completely canonical way he starts out with absolutely no trust, no affection, not even liking him, vaguely irritated and with only the barest common purpose, and gradually bit by bit comes to rely on Harold so utterly and with such perfect trust that by the end of season two they're platonic life partners who've committed to staying together even if their mutual mission is over.

Jan 5:
setissima: Tony/Pepper

Why I love this pairing in one sentence: Pepper could do SO MUCH BETTER, and Tony knows it.

More seriously, I only know them from the MCU, where Pepper is at once ultra-competent and SANE, and while she loves Tony (who as inhabited by RDJ is believable as involuntarily lovable even when he is a massive dick), I can believe she loves herself too, that she doesn't commit to him until he is more reasonably worthy of love, and is making himself a better man -- she is not fixing him, but she's helping him fix himself -- and also to help fix the world. Pepper is a woman I can believe in and recognize.

Also, Tony is another just-misses-being-a-supervillain guy, and I like that the movies seem to KNOW, most of the time, that Tony is a dick. I can handwave the irritating and universal ending of hero movies where suddenly everything goes the hero's way and he's In The Right (generally accompanied by giant city-destroying fight scene), as long as it's not throughout the entire movie.

Jan 6: miss_pamela: Tim/Kon

Oddly, I find it hard go to Clark/Batman in my head at all, but Tim and Kon are as easy as falling off a log. I love Kon because in my head he is a mix of Clark and Lex, and maybe Tim in my head is similarly a mix of Bruce and Clark -- Batman's methods and attitude but without his trauma?

Sadly, the versions of Tim and Kon in my head are totally out of date and aren't going to get updated anytime soon, because I'm pretty much just done with comics right now - I don't have enough time and I've lost my tolerance for the clunky narratives that are unavoidable in something being written under that kind of time pressure and with all the constraints.

And DC in particular, IDK, right now I mostly feel like if they want to see me again, they need to show up on my doorstep with a bunch of roses, a bottle of wine, and a Wonder Woman movie. :P Until then I'm happier with the Clark and Lex in my head than anything on their pages -- but Clark and Lex, I have consumed so much of the various canons that I know as much about them as most of the writers who write them. Tim and Kon, I never was that well read in their books, and their history is shorter.

Jan 1:
resonant: A character who would make New Year's resolutions, and a character who wouldn't.
Jan 2:
gingicat: Luring children into fandom
Jan 3: blackrabbit42: Trip to Disneyworld
Jan 4: cathedral_junki: Harold/John
Jan 5:
setissima: Tony/Pepper
Jan 6: miss_pamela: Tim/Kon
Jan 7: trobadora: Thor/Loki/Jane
Jan 8:
appleqb: Any unrealized plot bunnies, WIPs, or sequels in some of your old fandoms you still thinking about writing?
Jan 9: athynto: the time Thor managed to get himself into trouble and Loki realized it right away but had a hard time getting anybody to help, because they all thought it was a new trick of the liesmith and Loki then kind of flipped out and said they had to go and f. help right now if they wanted Thor back in one piece.
Jan 10:
qian: your favourite of your own stories!
Jan 11: amber1960: What made you think of mixing dragons with history, and what was it that drew you to the Napoleonic era?
Jan 12: ariss_tenoh: Thor/Loki fic. Maybe fixing the new film's ending?
Jan 13:
sef1029: stories to tell about the unloved life?
Jan 14:
ambersnake: your favourite TV trope
Jan 15:
hedda62: either a) speculation on upcoming POI plot arcs, or b) favorite LOST character who's not Ben Linus.
Jan 16:
laurashapiro: thoughts about vidding, particularly any reflections on how it has changed -- broadly and for you personally -- since you made your first vid.
Jan 17: tariqa: FOOD
Jan 18:
marginaliana: if you could commission the perfect piece of fiction (fannish or nonfannish), what would it be like and why?
Jan 19:
sheron: Your least favourite (popular) fanfiction trope? And why
Jan 20: flaming_muse: about your John Sheppard! Or I'd love to hear about any fics in your head you know you'll never write but you wish could make exist without any effort.
Jan 21: yunitsa: what are the things that you most enjoy seeing in (fan or pro) fiction? Has that changed over the years?
Jan 22: citrusjava and realolacola: Dean/Sam
Jan 23:
kass: The awesomeness of Michael Emerson / Ben Linus / Harold Finch (any and/or all of the above.)
and/or the relationship between writing fic and vidding -- do you find that certain fandoms draw you more toward one or toward the other? Do you approach the two genres differently? What appeals to you about each?
and/or what fandom is giving you the most joy right now?
Jan 24: neery: talk a bit about the process of writing the Temeraire books. How much of that huge overall plotline did you have planned when you wrote the first book? How much did you know about the characters? Was there anything you regretted establishing as canon later on because things changed on you? Anything you wished you could have included but couldn't fit in for some reason or another?
Jan 25:
luminosity: how you keep your creative juices flowing
Jan 26:
error: what you think of superheroes or superpowered characters navigating what's 'normal life' for other people, like superheroes working out things such as groceries, insurance (how do you even calculate premiums on an immortal, anyway), social media, pop culture and so on.
Jan 27:
piscaria: how you balance between original writing and fanfiction
Jan 28: bookishwench: If you could invite any seven fictional characters to dinner, who would they be?
Jan 29:
burnishedvictory: talk about Eric and Vince from Entourage?
Jan 30: acchikocchi: what it's like traveling for writing research, please!
Jan 31:
meri_oddities: Fix "The Crossing" in anyway that makes it work better.


avidrosette: I'm wondering about your process of world-building, particularly for fandoms like Merlin or Thor that have strong historical or legendary aspects. Do you do a lot of research, and if so, what sort? How do you find yourself interweaving the historical/legendary material with your original plot and character ideas?

killalla: any thoughts or comments on Aubrey/Maturin (the series or the pairing!)

chelletoo: What are your plans for 2014? Must see movie, vacation, etc.

imwalde: What makes your OTPs your OTPs? (Or OT3s, don't want to leave out Haven...) Do you recognize common characteristics across your fandoms?

laura47: Where do you want to see the marvel cinematic universe go, or specifically thor and loki

silksieve: Video games: how you prefer to play? Favorite themes or characters in games? Games vs. tv/movies? Dragon Age in particular?

princessofgeeks: Why You Love Dragons

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person of interest, temeraire, meme, smallville, marvel

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