Feb 04, 2013 19:53

Okay I have now rewatched CERTAIN KEY PARTS of the last POI at least twenty times and am ready to make COHERENT COMMENTS.

...hahahahaha NO


John gazing misty-eyed and HAPPY at the lights of New York City and so clearly feeling loved and saved even before Harold has actually defused the bomb.

John's face as he comes (home) back to the library (HOME) and just GLOWS at Harold and rolls around with Bear.

Harold UNBUTTONING JOHN'S SHIRT why thank you show, yes I will have another, please

Harold going to Times Square to hack the DOD site.

"We'll get him back, Bear" <3 <3 <3

The John-Carter arm clasp! Fusco bitching about the stairs (and climbing them anyway!)

Snow's death scene!

Also, I am glad that this episode made Kara make sense to me again -- 2x12 flashbacks combined with Mark Snow's past remarks to her felt like they were just going "lol sociopath" with her. Here I felt like they made her totally NOT a sociopath! I loved her refusing to talk at first, I loved her continued refusal to care about reasons instead of orders -- to me, that's absolutely the opposite of sociopath, that's someone who for all she talks a good game of enjoying her work, in reality can't let herself contemplate the evil she's doing and who needs the distancing layer of orders. That brought her back to the person who said, "This is RIGHT" to John and clearly meant it, and seemed to care about that, and I can believe in her getting broken down by the betrayal and months of confinement and, really, a lack of anywhere to go -- she needed a mission, too, she just got found by the wrong reclusive well-tailored billionaire!

I am really glad that the show was not afraid to finish off major plot arcs and move on to new ones. The Man In A Suit investigation arc was great but also done and they recognized that and they finished it and didn't try to save it for later. Kara and Snow were great to deliver us John's backstory and make it vivid, but they were now unnecessary moving parts in the conflict that's clearly coming between the "new gods" and our heroes.

I have to say, wtf with the bizarre mistelling of the Titans myth? It's not even like it was a USEFUL mistelling -- other than I guess it shortens the story? But the whole swallowing a rock didn't even seem to be an obvious parallel to anything going on. It just sort of sounded portentous. :P

But I am deeply excited by the mystery malware-in-five-months hanging over everything, and Harold's involvement in the Ordos laptop -- was it a trojan horse? was he trying to avenge Nathan in some way? was he regretting giving the Machine to the government and trying to spread the technology? -- and how that so beautifully connects to his otherwise inexplicable presence at the hospital in the flashback to John at the end of Many Happy Returns, and his "I'm the one who got you into this" and "don't mention it" lines. *rolls around in delicious backstory possibilities*

I do have some grousing about the dialogue they gave Carter with the FBI guy -- WHY did she say things that seemed easily disprovable by just talking to any of the many law enforcement people hanging around her and Donnelly in the previous ep? Why not just say, yes, Donnelly seemed really concerned about this man in a suit, kind of pushing it, etc. It would have worked just as well and instead the total "no, no, I was totally in the dark and didn't know anything" bit came across as clumsy to me, even though clearly the show was telling us on a meta level that the man in the suit thing was going away. I guess they could have done it deliberately in a sense of, she's a reluctant liar and she's injured, but I don't want Carter being clumsy, grr.

But I did love love love her total rejection of John's self-sacrifice, and Fusco drawing her away, and John saying thank you to them before he went up to the roof AND HIS DESTINYYYYYY *cough*

In short: OMG YAY SHOW

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