yuletide recs

Dec 28, 2012 09:28

A quick handful of Yuletide recs from my scattered reading:

The Warlord Prince of York (11512 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Person of Interest (TV), Black Jewels - Anne Bishop
As the influence of Dorothea SaDiablo begins to spread through Terreile, Prince Harold Finch hatches a daring plan to save his home Territory of York. The only problem is, he'll need the help of York's most dangerous Warlord Prince to pull it off.

OK, so, this story is a wildly personal treat for me because I've been throwing in "Black Jewels fusion" as kind of a hail-mary prompt for a few years now and not only did I get it, but it's a pitch-perfect fusion with my shiny new love Person of Interest. It's the POI characters, and I think you can enjoy it even if you don't know the Black Jewels universe, but if you know both run do not walk. <3 <3 <3

I also got FOREVER KNIGHT ♥ ♥ ♥ -- and an especially awesome look inside LaCroix's head as he turns Nick:

Tainted Draught (1688 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Forever Knight
LaCroix ponders Janette's request to bring across the knight Nicolas de Brabant.

And then omg you guys, the choose-your-own-adventure is EXACTLY AS AMAZING AS EVERYONE SAYS:

Bigger Than You Think (200 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: xkcd 1110 (Click and Drag), Le città invisibili | Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino

Seriously, it's brilliant both to read and to play. Love love love. If you have any distant recollection of text adventures, Infocom games, or if not, go anyway. (And if you get stuck, just remember to pick up everything you can, and try to use anything you haven't used in any room you haven't used anything successfully in!) But possibly the most awesome aspect of the game for me is the core way it breaks the rules of text adventures and games in general, and that becomes clear early on, so even if you don't want to play to the end, give it a go for a little while!

Some more recs with little/no commentary because revisions due Jan 3 D:

On Solitude (15123 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian
Jack and Stephen accidentally become telepathically bonded, but Stephen still has to complete his mission in Minorca.


Going Home (1731 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Home is where your heart is... but not always where you expect to find it.

My beloved old tiny fandom! Eric! <3 <3 <3

A Great and Gruesome Height (19126 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Iowa - Dar Williams (Song), Dar Williams Songs
It's 1998, Josiah Bartlet is the Democratic nominee battling sitting Republican President Lawrence Armstrong for the Oval Office, and back in Iowa, Republican campaign coordinator Megan Richter is about to fall from a great and gruesome height.

If you liked the West Wing, this is -- it's like a complete subplot of West Wing that just happened to be running before the show was actually on the air. AND it's absolutely about the Dar Williams song too. Go read.

Taking Care (3963 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
Ethan hates the easy missions. Will hates it when Ethan goes into the field without him. They don't talk about it.

The Night Visitor (1942 words) by frackin_sweet
Fandom: James Bond (Craig movies)
M's holiday plans didn't include a voicemail breakup, or Bond showing up unannounced by way of the window.

Three of the other Person of Interest stories -- I have not gotten through them all yet alas:

Point of a Pistol (25422 words) by Anonymous
Root returns to claim what's hers.

Proximity (8819 words) by Anonymous
Sometimes intuition is just a form of higher reasoning we cannot yet parse.

Ring (2338 words) by Anonymous
A phone rang. Finch stilled, head tilted, listening. The pay phone was housed on top of a low grey metal stand in front of the corner deli. Instinctively, Reese glanced up and saw the red glowing eye of the camera. Finch had already started for the phone, but Reese put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's for me," Reese said.

Two awesome Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere stories:

The Knight Who Trespasses (3614 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Arthurian Mythology
“They made me see that the world was beautiful if you were beautiful, and that you couldn't get unless you gave. And you had to give without wanting to get.” T.H. White - The Once and Future King

Trinitarian (1236 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Arthurian Mythology
On the first morning of May, Queen Guinevere went to riding with her champion, Sir Lancelot du Lac.
King Arthur went up from his Whitsun's midsummer feast to defend the border from the Northmen.
On the feast day of St Ignatius of Antioch, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere sat in court in Camelot.
In private chambers, they sat together.

An imprint set in wax (2073 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Lion in Winter (1968), 12th Century CE RPF
Philip's journey from Paris was the shorter distance, yet he arrived later, almost as dark was falling. Richard, knowing his tactics well, refused to be goaded so easily into impatience. "I'll wager you wish you hadn't burned the bridge at Porte Joie now," he said cheerfully by way of greeting. "You could have been here in time for dinner. It was splendid, by the way. We saved you some scraps."

Solve For X (5788 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Elementary (TV)
Their relationship  as it stands has one mathematical certainty: It will end in twenty-five days. At that time, her sojourn as his sober companion will end. Either Watson will pass out of his life forever, or Holmes will have to devise another option.

Amazing story and I think really captures this particular Holmes (and how he's not like others) and also Watson is awesome full stop.

Also one non-Yuletide WIP from
rivkat's Eight Crazy Nights!

Locked Room Mystery (5161 words) by rivkat
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Smallville
for daria234: Smallville futurefic where President Luthor, due to threat of natural disaster, is stuck for hours with that annoyingly ethical reporter Clark Kent. Since Lex is smart and Clark is a crap liar, once they're alone in a room together, Lex figures out that Clark must know something about him pre-memory-loss. Basically, Lex is brilliant and there's loads of UST (or ST that gets resolved ;) but also suspicion or antagonism.

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person of interest, black jewels, yuletide, master and commander, west wing, dungeons & dragons cartoon, recs, bond, forever knight, arthurian, elementary, mission impossible, smallville

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