Anything For Love notes and Vividcon non-report

Aug 13, 2012 18:54

Am home! Baby is asleep! And I have just posted the detailed annotations and related works for the vid, which has links to all the very happymaking stuff you see, with a few more tossed in for good measure. \o/

I alas don't have a con report in me these days, but I just wanted to say, I am so happy I made it to Vividcon again, and so happy I got to see and hug many of you out there, and see more of your amazing work and hear your amazing thoughts.

It was such the renewal for me of happiness and love in this community. I'm pretty continuously tired these days (in a happy way! just tired), and so I post even less than I ever did and am even more idle in chat, so I don't get to "talk" to many of you, and I miss you all and fandom as a whole, so it was really joyful to be able to immerse myself again.

There's a lot of fannish stuff that I've committed to that feels like work and is often stressful and hard, and sometimes, you know, you kind of feel like "why am I doing this?" and the answer is you guys and how awesome you all are and all the fantastic things you do that just fill me with love.

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vid, fandom, vividcon

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