quick note re intimations and for AO3 subscribers!

Jan 30, 2012 11:22

DreamHost (not Dreamwidth!) which is where I've had my fanfic/vid site intimations.org hosted has been having some serious issues both with downtime and security, so as soon as they come up from this latest outage, I'm going to do a big push and move the rest of my stories over to AO3, and then move the site itself to a new provider and probably revamp the whole thing in the process.

So, er, if you're subscribed to me on AO3, sorry for the approaching spam! I'll probably do it over the course of a few days.

(Also if you have a provider you really like, hit me with a referral link in comments! :)

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

ao3, fanfic, vid, tech

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