very briefly

Nov 15, 2011 19:57

I seem to have had some sort of delirious fantasy in my last post where the election started yesterday. /o\ This time I am just c&ping these links from the official post so I can't get it wrong. :P

polls open [now since] noon UTC 16 November (check the time in your area) and close at noon UTC 18 November (check the time in your area). Voters will receive a reminder email before polls open; if you believe you qualify to vote in this election but have not received a voter email, please contact the elections team as soon as possible!

There have been a handful of questions on my last post; I'm sorry guys, I am just at my limits right now and haven't had a chance to answer. I've tried to share as many specific constructive ideas as I could in response to the stuff people asked us in the candidate questions, and I hope that conveys more generally how I'd approach the problems that people have started talking about since then: trying to envision a variety of concrete and practical solutions and putting them out for debate, and then doing my best to help implement the ones that the rest of the Board and the people they are intended to help agree are good ideas.

Some people have said to me that they didn't realize this, so just to confirm: no, I am not on the Board currently. I have not been on the Board the past year. I have been a staffer on the AD&T committee and a coder. I have not had the power either to block or induce any Board action -- I don't even know most of what's gone on in Board this past year, only the fact of serious tension and the bad indirect effects of that. (quick eta to clarify: Board meetings are closed to chairs and/or to the members of the Board.)

Like I said right at the beginning of this, I do believe that the single most important thing that has to be fixed first is the Board itself, to rebuild a collaborative and productive environment on the Board, because if you've got that and the members of the Board are listening to each other and working together, and the members come from a variety of perspectives and experiences and have varied circles within the org, and they speak together, then they can become the bridge throughout the org. And if the Board is not functioning that way, you get this, where people all over the org are upset and placing blame for why they are frustrated and stymied on other people who are themselves feeling frustrated and stymied, and it all spirals really badly.

Anyway, I've only got ten minutes to post this morning, so I'm going to stop there. If you do have a vote, please use it, even if it isn't for me. ♥

eta Just trying to make this a little more clear: I'm not failing to respond to the questions in my last post in detail because I think those questions are unimportant, or because I have no answers, but because the answers are long and complicated and require a lot of explanation, and these comments came in the day before the election, at a point where I have slept roughly four hours a night for two weeks because I have a teething baby and have been working my ass off to get out the latest deploy and fix the subsequent bugs, and do a handful of things for Yuletide so I don't let down two thousand people who are expecting it to happen. And I have to afk now, because my husband's delayed leaving for work already to watch the baby so I could add this. That's what I mean by I'm at my limits -- I can't do more right now. Not that I don't want to. And if I get more time later today once my childcare starts and I have cleared some urgent RL work off my slate, I'll try and update with some answers.

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ao3, otw

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