AO3 subscribing & making ipod-compatible vids on mac

Aug 17, 2011 12:47

As long as I am banging out a few notes on vidding tech stuff, here are a few more!

- If you are a vidder who has just put stuff up on AO3, please post to your LJ with your AO3 homepage, so people (ie, me! /selfish) can go there and subscribe! Here's the code for it, just copy and paste this replacing the three places where YOUR_USERNAME appears with your username:

I'm at">favicon" />">YOUR_USERNAME!

Which gets you: I'm at

Then AO3 users can go to your user page, click the "Subscribe" button, and get email notifications every time you post a new vid! You can tack on stuff like what fandoms you are likely to vid soon etc. :D

(Oh, and while I am posting that, btw, my tumblr is at if any of you are over there -- I kind of only use it to read tags but have started xposting a few things there in experimental vein.)

Also here is another quick guide for how to make ipod-compatible versions of vids etc on a Mac.

ETA: totally ignore everything that was here before and go get iSquint instead! omg awesome.

lots of detailed instructions involving MPEGStreamclip and Perian deleted

Also also, I repeatedly typoed that as MPREGSteamclip, CURSE YOU CATBABY VIDDDDDD >:(

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

vidding, tech

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