crackfic & flist tidying

Sep 04, 2010 13:24

katekat has posted the most awesome manip EVER OF ALL TIME to
kradamadness and I am now writing a crazy fantasy-space-crack thing in the comments?

There are also awesome commentfics from
poppetawoppet and
amproof, and hopefully there will be more coming because this manip is seriously an entire kinkmeme in and of itself. Boris Vallejo, that's all I'm saying, now go click.

And now I am off to brunch! \o/ and then there will be more writing today, of crack and other things, yay.

PS housekeeping: I've been moving those of my flist with dreamwidth accounts over to my reading list there and off my lj flist so if you saw me defriend on lj that is why! I'm still xposting and comments are welcome on both.

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

fanfic, american idol, adam lambert

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