PSA: fannish lost & found and fun little petition!

Apr 22, 2010 06:35

So first off, this is kind of amazing! If any of you out there in the world of fandom have lost an mp3 player that had inteligrrl's awesome "Friends Fame and Familiars" fanmix on it (the one she did for my
blackdress_adam story "sings the song without the words") -- it has been found at your bus stop!

Drop me a comment and I'll pass along the contact info for the very enterprising person who found it and googled up my story and inteligrrl's lj from the cover art. :D

On a separate note, please do me a favor and take a sec to sign this also-enterprising petition, and pimp it along? (If you click the "share" button it will give you embed codes for a bazillion different sites.)

If you're a member on hooplamagnet on LJ (which you should be if you are at all interested in Adam news), you can see drcat83's full explanation, but to make a long story short, she vouches for the petition maker, and it sounds to me like the goal is not for this to magically make something happen, but rather to have something extra to bring to a pitch meeting, which is not a bad idea.

Anyway, I think it makes enough sense to ask y'all to waste 30 seconds on filling this little thing out. *g* It's especially useful to see broad international support, as I understand it, so please do include your country!


To thank you for your time I also take this opportunity to direct you at this picspam thread on hooplamagnet which is full of awesome.


1) I want to say that I've met glitteronblack in real life and I can vouch for her personally. She is a sane fan and the connections that she has in the industry are legitimate.

2) There could be ample discussion about if/when/how Adam should be involved in film, but the goal result of this petition is simply to have him considered for an OPPORTUNITY in film. Obviously, many things would be taken into consideration be all parties if he were actually offered the role. From what glitteronblack has told me, I do think this would be an excellent opportunity but even if nothing came of it, I definitely do not think it is at all bad for Adam to be considered by major industry players for a film role.

3) glitteronblack has actually spoken to someone on Adam's team and there is initial interest in this project.

4) I know some people are uncomfortable with fan initiated projects. I understand that and respect it. I happen to think that, in this case, no harm can come of this.

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

adam lambert

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