awesome things!

Feb 21, 2010 11:10

I am swamped with coding right now (for remix! \o/), but wanted to quickly glee about this -- pandarus had podficced several of the Beltane stories, and she's now made it a complete set! And cybel has audiobooked it! ♥ It is lots of incentive to finish up that missing story, I have to say. :D

Also, if any of you are not reading jeyhawk_fic's ludicrously hot Falling All Over You series (Kradam public sex), you are MISSING OUT, okay. Also seperis has finished (this is) not a statement!

Speaking of missing out, shortly we should be getting the full video of Adam's ONTD_AI chat for DonorsChoose, which was one of the most awesome and adorable interviews ever ever ever. Will post it if I have a chance, or you can brave the horrifically bad coding (and hilariously ridiculous intro which is worth seeing once just for the massive lulz) of his official website tomorrow to see it.

Also, I have taken a deep breath and signed up for kradambigbang, largely because I love their plan for the weekly support group at kradambangers, and because the minimum is only 10K words, which is awesome -- I never really want to force fanfic, but I get 10K-long ideas often enough that I feel there is a reasonably good shot one will hit me in time for this challenge. So consider it if you are in the same boat!

♥ and dashes back to code

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merlin, american idol, adam lambert, recs, podfic

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