an embarrassment of riches \o/

Dec 28, 2009 22:55

Guys, I have gotten so many presents I don't know what to do with myself. ♥

I have to start with one that I haven't had a chance to share before, amidst all my Yuletide insanity: these fabulous fabulous movie posters katekat1010 did for House of the Living and City of a Thousand Wonders:

(click for full & for the House of the Living pic too)

Besides this, I totally MADE OUT LIKE A BANDIT in yuletide \o/ and I have endless endless squee for all my fabulous stories YAY:

They Come In Threes, an AI RPF/Merlin xover with hapless-wish-granting!Merlin inflicted upon an unsuspecting Adam, with resulting hijinx and also awesome awesome Kris-from-the-future. ♥

Not Gonna Write You A Love Song, Adam/Dustin Lance Black (the fabulous screenwriter of Milk who gave that lovely speech at the Oscars and then had photos come out of himself barebacking with an ex-bf). This is seriously just a gorgeous happy-making romance story, even if you don't know who either of them are. (Granted, I don't know how you could be reading my lj and avoid knowing who Adam is at this point, I'm just saying!)

Black Belt -- Adam grows a tail! He has to -- okay, no, I am not saying anything more because I would spoil it. It is hilarious and also now I want a pic of Adam with a tail. <3

Just A Kiss -- an awesome Lambliff treat, all unlooked-for, because alas, Tommy was not yet on the radar when Yuletide signups occurred!

and last but not least:

Real Vampires Don't Sparkle, an awesome kitchen-sink-vampires treat where Alexander Lucard offers his opinions on an assortment of vampires from Twilight, Moonlight, The Vampire Diaries, and Vampire!Adam Lambert (hahaha I love this bit especially).

♥ ♥ ♥

And I have ALSO gotten SUCH AMAZING KRADAM CHIBI ART OMG from dun but she has not posted it in public yet so I am just telling you this to TAUNT YOU until she does, I have seen it and you haven't, but haunt her lj and wait for it because omg LOVE.

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

fanfic, yuletide, american idol, fanart, adam lambert, dracula:the series

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