Idol RPF: Concessions (Adam/Kris)

Jun 02, 2009 20:48

So if you have not followed any of the epic excitement today over Adam stepping out with his new bf (note: this is an actual real-life boyfriend and not Kris!), I direct you over to the joys of ontd_ai! ♥ It was early today so you will have to skip back a bit ( Read more... )

fanfic, american idol, adam lambert

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destina June 3 2009, 01:11:08 UTC
I am now waiting with fascination for the first determined het fans to explain how he is being forced to pretend to be gay for PR.

OMG, this made me laugh so hard, I was not able to breathe for like 20 seconds. I mean, seriously. Turnabout would be fair play, right? Everyone in each niche of fandom needs their moment to become insane. So funny. *g*


astolat June 3 2009, 01:27:44 UTC
You know, I am SURE it is happening somewhere already. Actually, probably on TMZ right now. O_O


elizardbits June 3 2009, 01:31:49 UTC

I can't tell if she's serious or not, dammit. TBH I can't really bring myself to watch the entire thing. NOT WHEN THERE ARE AWESOME PORNS TO BE READ.


mamadeb June 3 2009, 01:36:46 UTC
I watched that thing several times - I kept missing when she said that good-looking people can't be gay - and I think she's serious. She believes the photos taken from Adam's own MySpace were photoshopped, and that one of the reasons that Adam can't be gay is that he's Christian and Christians frown on that sort of thing.



elizardbits June 3 2009, 01:41:08 UTC
Yeah, epic wtf-ery. Adam would totally send her a baby jesus buttplug and tell her to GET OVER IT ALREADY.


mamadeb June 3 2009, 01:44:57 UTC
I'm still trying to figure out where she got the idea Adam is Christian.

Yeah, he would. In the outwardly sweetest and most positive way possible. Outwardly...


astolat June 3 2009, 01:37:09 UTC
*suspicious* Is that that crazy aperilla person I keep hearing about? *does not want*


elizardbits June 3 2009, 01:42:12 UTC


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