Fannish Year in Review 2008

Jan 06, 2009 00:03

Yes, sorry, here I am yet again today; I just want to get this post out the door before next story, and I figure with that excuse you guys will forgive me. *g*

eta to add in real forever if, because I am a loser who can't remember my own stories. *facepalm*

Black Black Heart, made with untrue_accounts, 8/20/2008
Song: Black Black Heart by David Usher
Source: The Revenger's Tragedy
Imeem, right-click-save XviD (44 MB)

Mandara, 8/20/2008
Song: Mandara by Vas
Source: Dune (1984 David Lynch movie)
Note: Some players don't recognize the aspect ratio setting on xvid files. If you get squished video, try using VLC!
Imeem, right-click-save XviD (50 MB)

Beltane (1,155 words)
December 29, 2008
There is a story that is not told in Ealdor anymore, not for many years now, a story about Beltane Eve.

That Shall Achieve The Sword (5,772 words)
December 25, 2008
Arthur had just started to get really irritated, as opposed to the low-grade and permanent Merlin-is-late-again irritation that somehow managed to be endearing -- and how exactly Merlin had managed that, Arthur would really have liked to know, mostly so he could work out how to use it on Uther. (preslash)

Commonplaces (2,525 words)
Sherlock Holmes
December 25, 2008
Only to be adored was, in the end, nothing; to be adored by someone worthy, everything. (Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes)

real forever if (20,563 words)
David Cook RPF
December 04, 2008
The main thing he'd been thinking, that whole last week, was that when it was over, he'd finally be able to breathe again. He didn't know what else could've been making him feel so weird, the awful tightness in his chest every time he was in the same room with Cook, the way his stomach just kept clenching up and jumping.

Above Water (3,612 words)
David Cook RPF
November 22, 2008
In which they get that trip to the Grand Canyon. Sequel to Fortunate Son (slash)

Madrigals and Misadventures (13,631 words)
David Cook RPF
August 22, 2008
Wherein there is magic, daring rescues, accidental kissing, not-so-accidental kissing, Clive Davis is evil, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Claused (4,967 words)
David Cook RPF
August 04, 2008
So there was this clause in the contracts, where as long as he was single, he had to go out with another 19E client for at least four weeks at their request.

Mastermind (4,592 words)
David Cook RPF
August 01, 2008
Okay, David recognized the value of having everyone think he was, like, a total fluffhead, but he still hated seeing all these stories going, aww, poor helpless little David, controlled by his dad! Even if he had planted a few of them.

Time Of Your Life (26,704 words)
David Cook RPF
July 21, 2008
David stared up at him as he came to the table, and then Cook put a hand on David's shoulder and leaned over him. There was a really-really-weird moment when David thought for a second that Cook was about to-was going to-and David's stomach squeezed into a tiny knot, but Cook was just reaching over to grab the jacket he'd left on his seat.

Proximity (2,503 words)
David Cook RPF
July 15, 2008
Cook usually made his bodyguards stay back-probably, Archie thought a little meanly, because they cramped his style of letting everyone grope him.

Fortunate Son (12,002 words)
David Cook RPF
June 25, 2008
Fourteen across was auspicious, and he was writing in the p when the left side of the plane sagged out from under them, and they dipped what felt like ten feet all at once. David grabbed for his coffee as it tipped and the dregs ran all over the puzzle book; across the aisle, Archie jerked awake and looked around, sleep-confused, and then said, "Oh my gosh." A long black line of smoke was cutting horizontally across his window. (gen)

Something Wicked (6,836 words)
David Cook RPF
June 14, 2008
He's a rock star, she's a superhero. They fight demons! (crossover with Buffy)
Art: by slodwick (1)

Cook Gets His Wings? (280K image, no words)
David Cook RPF
April 26, 2008
An exclusive news story.

Inhibitions (402 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
March 08, 2008
What happens if you don't have any.

Lazarus (466 words)
March 08, 2008
A mashup of the Reconcilable Differences universe with a bit of the post-Infinite Crisis storyline, which is a warning if you know what happened in that storyline, and if you don't, you can highlight here: Kon has been killed saving the world, and Tim is trying to bring him back to life.

Double-Edged (229 words)
Harry Potter
March 08, 2008
Neville didn't know what to do with the sword.

Night Ride Home (674 words)
March 08, 2008
Vince said, "What the hell, we'll drive."

Groundhog Day (3,483 words)
February 25, 2008
* astolat thinks any plot worth doing is worth doing TWICE three times.
(especially if the show mostly does it for you.)
spoilers for Mystery Spot (3x11)

Ordinary Life (20,071 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
February 22, 2008
"So, uh," Wharton said, with a little nervous cough. "You're not so much his mathematician as you are his-mathematician."
A collaboration with Speranza, originally published in the zine Surfacing.

Vegas (2,981 words)
February 01, 2008
It started when Bobby sent them an email: Got a line on a used V-12, good shape. $20,000 cash. You got a week to get it if you can.

Worth The Wait (4,458 words)
January 31, 2008
Sam couldn't remember a time when he didn't want Dean.

Inseparable (6,728 words)
January 30, 2008
It was just plain sense, so Dean didn't understand why something about the way Dad said quietly, "It's time you had your own bed," made him feel guilty and confused. (adult, not explicit)

End of the Year meme
Man, OTW seriously took a whack at my output this year, across the board (with an assist from American Idol, WORST TIME SINK EVER, ugh).

My favorite/best story of this year: Time Of Your Life

Most fun story: I'm going to go with Madrigals and Misadventures.

Hardest story to write: A tie between Worth The Wait and Inseparable, which were both SPN stories started in late season 2 where my original approach got clobbered hard by all the changing canon and I had to do a heap of heavy lifting to get them over the finish line.

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: Uh, haha, Mastermind. /o\

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Beltane -- now my own personal backstory for Merlin forever and ever, BBC version or otherwise.

Biggest surprise: How ridiculously fun Archie's voice is to write. ♥

year in review

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