random Merlin stuff

Jan 05, 2009 02:02

I thought I would share (while saving for myself) the two most useful-for-fanfic pages I've found out of the huge sprawling Arthurian section in wikipedia:

Sites and places associated with Arthurian legend

List of Knights of the Round Table

of which the most entertainingly news-to-me is Sir Galehaut -- NOT a variation on Sir Galahad. Choice bit:
...he is so awed by the battlefield performance of the King’s most ardent defender, that for his sake he renounces certain victory and surrenders to Arthur. He has in fact fallen in love with the defender, who is the young Lancelot...

Yeah, I didn't remember that part of the Arthurian legend either. Apparently was v. popular in the 13th century, who knew.

Bonus material (what do you mean this isn't research):

obsessive24's vid Red -- very helpful when watched on repeat for inspiration when writing! Seriously, if you haven't seen this vid yet, go now -- all the pretty, all the love, and all the Arthurian tragedy in one, and gorgeously gorgeously cut and paced. ♥

Also if you have not yet watched the utterly ridiculous cast videos, which kaneko pointed me at the other day, well, they are indeed ridiculous. (links go to youtube)

Highlights include, Arthur's actor and Merlin's actor fight an evil spider and play a stupid prank on Gwen's actor. No, I mean, really stupid, it's so nursery-school level I'm vaguely surprised they didn't just yank her pigtails and run away to hide around the nearest corner. Then they all ride roller coasters and sing, sometimes at the same time. Also, Arthur's actor flirts with everyone who comes in range, including the camera he himself is holding. I am not usually much for watching cast videos, but these are on the order of SPN-blooper-reel grandeur.

And also, led me to an odd place where Arthur turns out to be such a great king and able to command so much loyalty because he desperately needs people to love him, and the only way he knows how to make that happen is to be so overwhelmingly awesome that they can't help it.

And you know, a kid raised by Uther could easily end up this way -- the "mostly I will tell you that you aren't good enough a lot, but sincere and affectionate praise may be acquired in small yet addictive quantities for being the single best knight in the world or saving the entire kingdom from destruction" school of child-rearing when applied to someone like Arthur, who actually has the gifts to meet completely unreasonable expectations. :>

merlin, arthurian

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