meme and Yuletide guessing game

Dec 29, 2008 08:40

Okay, I was too insane before, but I totally love this meme idea, so I am hopping on even though the bandwagon has left town and is several states over by now:

If you could force me to write anything, what would it be?

Bonus: if you can guess either of my yuletide stories I will take extra hard look at whatever it is to see if I am inspired! If you can guess BOTH then okay, I will totally write it for you if I at all can although this is subject to the long list of other stuff I owe people /o\.

I am leaving comments unscreened because I feel like half the fun is seeing what other people guess, but I will be neither confirming nor denying anything until New Year's Day! *g*

meta, yuletide

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