Okay, so first, I am putting
greensilver on the spot, because I had to seriously SHRIEK AND PULL TEETH just to get her to post this awesome vid:
Dream Big, David Cook/American Idol RPF It is just pure fun, a rollercoaster ride through all the ridiculousness that is Idol, set to the kind of fabulously super-cheesy coronation song (the one he picked to sing in the finale and not the treacly Time of My Life magic rainbows and kittens song). It is ♥
And guys, you have to go over there and comment so as to prove that there is an audience for this (she did not BELIEVE ME *gnashgnash*) and therefore that she should POST THE DAVID COOK/TONY STARK STORY ALREADY OMGGGG!!11! (She has one! She told me about it at Vividcon, in AUGUST, and she still won't give it to me! *cries*)
Also, I share the hilarious bit that
ladyvyola sent me from
the Washington Post's review of the Davids' albums:
But the show's overseers have recently loosened the creative reins, or at least given the appearance of doing so. Both "Cook" and "Archuleta" offer previously forbidden glimpses, however brief, of the artists' actual personalities: Cook is Chris Cornell as a Midwestern bar singer; Archuleta seems to be made entirely of fluffy unicorns and Skittles.
IAWTReview. eta:PS: sekrit to Yuletide Author, look, another AU idea for you! :>
Also also, if you have not already, you must read
rivkat's incredible new Supernatural story
Double Cross (linking to it on the Archive of Our Own, woo, and
it is also here on lj \o/). I cannot get into it without spoiling, other than to say it is epic and ridiculously hot and full of angels and demons, and -- uh, maybe it's not exactly Sam/Dean, except it totally IS, and if you read it and feel I have steered you wrong you can come back and argue with me! But you won't! Trust me! *grins*