Sorry for the lateness, dear writer! I have been busy slaving away over hot code! (And not at all gallivanting around to concerts or anything. *coughs*)
As always, if you are inspired with anything whatsoever for the fandom + characters I listed, write THAT story. The story you are excited about is the one I want to read. ♥ All the details in the signup and the notes below are just if they are fun for you to read and food for your imagination. :)
I am happiest in the range starting at crack, going through fluff, melodrama, and soft h/c, and ending at serious drama, without heading the rest of the way to intense angst or hardcore hurt. In terms of story form, I am wildly flexible and love character vignettes and long plotty stuff and pwps; stories told in letters or hell, with postcards; completely traditional or completely experimental. Any POV or tense will do (hey, outsider POVs always fun!) and I love interesting settings and action but also stories that focus entirely on the interior and emotions.
AUs always a good time, ridiculous premise taken seriously a plus, and crossovers with other fandoms I know at least a little bit about welcome; see my list of tags here or my
fanfic fandoms.
Also, I should mention that my requests are not in any order, because I change them around so much it is just about picking one to replace when I come up with a new idea. So seriously, whichever one you match with me on, I will be super-excited to get.
RPF - American Idol
David Archuleta/David Cook
These two are just ridiculously cute. I would equally love fluffy innocent slash or friendship. Wacky AUs totally welcome, Cook and Archie as princes of rival kingdoms or vampires or jedi knights, it's all awesome, as are stories set during Idol or in the future. I confess I am not too keen on excessive angst or apology-fic? :)
I don't really have anything to add there. Pretty much, they are terminally adorable, like fluffy kittens or something. Who does not like kittens! That's my point. Not that I am not interested in more serious stories -- totally welcome if you wanted to get into for instance Archie pining from afar or the two of them struggling with the madness of 0-60 fame.
Ian Nottingham/Kenneth Irons/Sara Pezzini
Here I would be entirely thrilled with either Ian/Irons or Sara/Irons or a threesome or gen -- something to do with their entangled fates, the Witchblade moving and controlling all of them together. Extra awesome if Irons thinks he's more in control than he actually is, and is disabused. Please nothing schmoopy or romantic, and ideally not *just* Sara/Ian.
The "moments" in this fandom where I got hooked (after seeing Killa's awesome Coming Up From Behind vid <3) were the Sara/Irons bits early in the first season, where he's alternately baiting her and trying to seduce her, less physically than mentally, but interested in anything he can get. Actually, I will link to my own vid Jig of Life here, because one of the things I was trying there was to capture that intensity between them:
(eta to take out broken imeem stream)
And then really, I think poor Ian's problem is he is caught smack between these two titanic forces, both of whom in different ways take him for granted -- I'd love to see a story where he somehow either bridges between them or is the instrument for cutting the ground out from under them both, to shape some kind of step forward, a different relationship.
If you want to get ambitious, maybe some sort of plot where the three of them all get pulled into a case -- a crime that Pez is initially investigating, perhaps, that turns out to involve Irons; or hey, a historical or far-future AU where the three of them are brought together again, either remembering or dreaming of other times.
Or you know, they could wake up in bed together and wacky hijinks could ensue! *g*
Lois McMaster Bujold - Vorkosigan series
Byerly Vorrutyer/Lord Ivan Vorpatril
So the key for me here is Ivan. I would heart Ivan slash, because I just love the idea of poor Ivan having his worldview flipped like that -- Ivan/Byerly or Ivan/Gregor or Ivan/Dono would all be splendid. Or I would adore Ivan with a Betan woman rather reminiscent of Cordelia (or even Cordelia herself, if you can find a way to do that, although no Aral deathfic please), for similar reasons! And if none of those work for you, gleeful gen romping and adventure would make me just as happy. :D I've picked Byerly too because I love By and think he is the perfect instrument for whatever disaster, but I would be okay with it if you had an idea that matched the above but didn't include him. The only things I would personally not be quite as excited about would be Ivan/Miles or Ivan meeting his Vor true love, but even there, if you have an awesome idea and it is burning you up to write, go for it!
I totally cribbed this from last year because I still wants it! It is also the super-long prompt from hell so I don't really have anything to add, other than omg yay please. Oh, and also, for me the key books of the series are Cordelia's Honor and A Civil Campaign which I realize is not totally characteristic -- I just fell in love with Cordelia and Aral and Barrayar first, and so I am never as excited when it's about Miles off alone elsewhere in the universe.
Dracula: the Series
Basically, I Love Lucard! The show is really absurdist camp, but I always had the feeling that Lucard was in an entirely different show from the rest of the characters. Anything that takes him seriously would make me happy; slash or het with him as the seducer would be v. nice. I'd be entirely on board with crossovers here, too (though please not something relying on Klaus/Nicholas Knight from Forever Knight being played by the same actor, although Lucard meeting LaCroix or perhaps Janette would suit me just splendidly). I am pretty easy here, so go nuts. :D
I left this in even though as of press time no one had offered it, because what the heck. *g* The series is seriously kind of nonstop hilarity. I am popping a few episodes here (anyone welcome to grab): (These things are only 150 mb/22 minutes apiece, it's like popcorn!)
and there is a fabulous website that's been around for ages,
Lucard's Home Page, with
episode summaries &
reviews, and
a tiny store of fanfic (check out Sarah T's stuff, do not for the love of god check out mine -- I was a late bloomer. :> ).
Excessive rambling over, please have fun with this! And I will be happy no matter what. :D