Supernatural: Sumer is icumen in (Sam/Dean), and other weekend news

Oct 07, 2007 17:40

This story is a mid-season-2 AU that has been totally jossed by AHBL, and is kind of weird! I like it, don't get me wrong, but it goes in about six different directions simultaneously. I don't really know what to make of it, and the title is also weird and possibly will make sense to no one but me. And yet I have this sort of obstinate affection for it and feel like mucking with it more will maybe get me a different story that works better, but it will not be *this* story.

So, this is me holding out the lumpy misshapen thing with the frankenstein stitches showing and one eye off-center that is hopefully still sort of cuddly. *grins*

Visual aid:

For amireal, with thanks also to terrio and cesperanza for beta!

Sumer is icumen in (4794 words)
Sam/Dean; adult, explicit

Sumer is icumen in
Lhude sing cuccu!

( Read the story )

And in other fun news this weekend, Yuletide signup is open, and so is the otw_news Python vs. Ruby Deathmatch!

So first you should go and look at the five billion fandoms (okay, only 1662, if you want to be picky) to choose from for Yuletide, and then, while you anguish over your choices, take a shot at making your very own Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story, and help us out while you're at it! :D (The official theme is Python/Ruby, but I know at least one person has done a Sam/Dean one, and that is AWESOME. Any fandom!)


fanfic, yuletide, otw, supernatural

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