Errata and geekery for Old Country

Sep 14, 2007 15:45

Errata for Old Country, plus the Latin text and translation are below the cut -- spoilers for the story, so please read it first!

Seriously, these are not even informational spoilers, they would just sort of blow a bit of the fun, so give the cut a miss if you haven't read yet and want to. If you don't plan to, and are either a latin geek or interested in a fun little coding whizbang I put in, though, feel free. I totally entertained myself for half an hour playing with it back and forth after I'd made it, so I will shamelessly show it off to anyone who will look. :D

Errata: thanks to everyone who pointed out that the UK's still on pounds, not euros -- all fixed. And in my head the Hogwarts break was meant to be, about a week more *past* New Year's, but I looked and wow, that was totally not what I'd actually written, so also fixed! *g*

ETA: more errata! Katie now says "mum" and not "mom", there are in fact seventy-two Hufflepuffs all told, and I have found a clever workaround that lets me keep my beloved portrait scene. ;-)

And if you didn't realize before, yes, you can click on the the letter in latin! :D I have tweaked it a bit in new spiffy ways (the spiffiest of which alas does not seem to work except on windows, but at least there is a decent fallback in firefox for mac) to try and make it clearer. The magic letter does require javascript, so if you don't like that or images turned on, here is the letter and translation:

Schola Hogvartensis Artium Magicarum Et Fascinationis


Deanum Wintanceastrem, Baronum Taversham

cursus studii rite suscipisse et eruditum primis artibus magi examinaribus schola constitutibus decerni.

Pro confederatione gubernatorum obsignant:

Minerva McGonagall, Praeses Scholae
Primo Classi Ordinis Merlini Adscripta, Suprema Magistra Metamorphosibus, Animaga Insignissima

Filius Flitwick, Praeses Vicarius
Secundo Classi Ordinis Merlini Adscriptus, Magister Insignis Fascinationorum

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Dean Winchester, Baron Taversham

has pursued an approved course of study and satisfied the examiners appointed by the school in wizarding fundamentals.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors:

Minerva McGonagall, Headmistress
Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Master of Transfiguration, Supreme Animagus

Filius Flitwick, Deputy Headmaster
Order of Merlin Second Class, Master of Charms

fanfic, supernatural

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