GIP, squee, etc

Nov 15, 2006 22:48

Look at me, look at me! slodwick not only santa-hatted me, she gave me a sleigh to drive! eee! That red is just luscious.


helenish has kind of destroyed me with Take Clothes Off As Directed (SGA). I'm still processing. It's fabulous, but also made me weirdly sad. But in a good way?

Miranda-IM: Finally, an instant-messenger client (it handles AIM, ICQ, MSN, Jabber (ie, LJTalk), and IRC) with a clean interface. One of the biggest issues for me with all the IM chat clients has been that any long/multi-user convo becomes impossible to follow because it all scrolls off too fast thanks to the emoticons, the "cool" fonts, the colors, the unnecessary whitespace, *grouch grouch grouch*. Anyway, this totally rocks. I'm still sticking with mIRC for irc for the moment because it's got more irc-specific features, but finally, something for IM I like as much.

In other news, I am chugging away towards a deadline and therefore will be pretty quiet for the foreseeable future, alas, despite the stack of half-finished fanfic stories that are calling my name. But all is going well!

*drives by jingling in new sleigh*

recs, tech, gip

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