play with me! also, SGA insta-rec

Sep 21, 2006 22:43

Anyone out there willing to trade Wiseguy prompts with me? svmadelyn has given me the okay to do Wiseguy in the summercon Blame Someone Else challenge if I can find myself my own match. *grins*

The challenge, from svmadelyn and mctabby:
"Basically, think of something for which you'd be prepared to take full blame, if it's written....You'll probably find yourself writing some total stranger's sick, crazed bunny, while s/he tackles your brilliant, cherished concept in exchange - and you Blame Each Other for the results.... Hideous and good ideas are both welcome....

You'll have until Saturday evening to finish a ficlet, anything over 100 words is acceptable for this challenge."

The results get posted in summercon!

I can only take one -- I really should not be allowed to sign up at all, but I am prepared to nobly sacrifice myself in the cause of encouraging more WG. If you are up for it (remember, anything over 100 words is fine!), give me a Sonny/Vinnie prompt and I will give you one back -- first come first served on this one. Although hey, if you're interested but my slot is full, no reason you can't do this in your own lj... :D

Separately, make yourself happy, SGA fans, and read resonant8's new story, Term of Service. I totally failed to contribute anything significant in betaing this because I was just too purely gleeful reading it. ♥

sga, recs

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