Fresh from Vividcon! If you would like to link, please link either to this post or to
my main vidding page rather than directly to the vid, thanks!
Preview the vid on imeem (requires Flash 8).
And right-click and save for the big shiny version:
Bukowski26 MB, XviD format (use
the VLC player)
House M.D.
music by Modest Mouse
with thanks to
tzikeh for the song suggestion
Summary: Wikipedia says, "One critic has described Bukowski's fiction as a '
detailed depiction of a certain taboo male fantasy: the uninhibited bachelor, slobby, anti-social, and utterly free.' "
His gravestone says, "Don't Try."
As I was saying all weekend, this was my first Vividcon ever! And hey! This is a great con! *g* I had a ridiculously good and relaxed time, and now I am home and my eyes are blurry from watching vids (and SGA, which made me utterly and uncritically happy with all the cute) and I am wiped out.
Also, the vid-of-my-con is already up,
barkley and
Wiseguy vid to Take Me Out for Club Vivid, which will now join
killabeez and Merricat's vid ETA:
merricatk! to
Only The Good Die Young (note, if you don't have the password, e-mail
killabeez at livejournal to request it) in permanent rotation. I needed another fandom right now like a hole in the head, so, THANKS A LOT GUYS. :P *glares at
destina in particular, who does this to me all the goddamn time*
And you should also download
barkley and
SGA/Airwolf vid to, uh, Separate Ways. No, seriously. Trust me. It is John's INNER HEART LAID BARE.