Блокировки и ограничения.

Dec 09, 2017 01:11

В свете всякоразных инициатив по блокировке экстремистских материалов довольно интересно ознакомиться с подобными примерами борьбы на этом вашем Западе.

"Абсолютным Злом" (тм), как известно, является пиратское использование разнообразного контента (видео, музыка, игры, и.т.д), с которым постоянно и нещадно ведется неравная борьба.

Борьба включает в себя не только блокировки пиратских "лежбищ", но и вполне себе уголовное наказание - аресты и тюремные сроки.

Проблема, однако, заключается в том, что несмотря на все потуги официальных властей народ как потреблял нелегальный контент, так и продолжает его потреблять - Kodi ARRESTS and Pirate Bay CRACKDOWN not working, almost HALF still stream for free

DESPITE the crackdown on piracy in the UK - with a spate of arrests, warnings around the fire risks linked to so-called Kodi Boxes, and blocks on popular torrent domains, like The Pirate Bay - almost half of all users who watch content illegally are happy to continue breaking the law, an exclusive survey for Express.co.uk has revealed.

Blocks to add-ons for Kodi, as well as restrictions on torrent repositories like The Pirate Bay have failed to stop a significant number of users from watching content illegally.

Some 47 per cent of those who watch content online illegally have not been perturbed by the recent blocks and restrictions, an exclusive survey for Express.co.uk has revealed.

The survey was conducted by price comparison site Finder.com - the biggest comparison site in Australia, which launched in the UK back in February 2017.

It surveyed some 2,000 adults from across the UK.

According to the research, the recent efforts to blocks Kodi Box add-ons and torrent sites have stopped 52 per cent of those who watched paid-for content illegally from pirating in future. Meanwhile, more than 47 per cent haven’t been put off by the new restrictions and penalties in place in the UK.

Такие дела с блокировками и уголовными сроками, да.

См. по теме:

'PLUG AND PLAY' PIRACY What is Kodi, what are TV addons, are Kodi boxes illegal or dangerous to use and buy and have UK Premier League streams been shutdown?

Kodi boxes: Government urges people to stop using the devices amid safety fears | The Independent

UK government issues advice on what makes 'Kodi boxes’ illegal

Финансы, Экономика

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